Et unum hominem, et plures in infinitum, quod quis velit, heredes facere licet - wolno uczynić spadkobiercą i jednego człowieka, i wielu, bez ograniczeń, ilu kto chce.

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How to flirt with men
This is not control.
Again, it is like surfing the waves.
You play with the waves of your feelings.
You don't block.
You don't control.
You tame these emotions.
You observe them but don't let them overpower your actions.
You stay in charge.
There is a control center in you.
There is this force which gives directions and decides.
Stay in charge in the cockpit.
You are in charge!
Passion is powerful.
Use this force to move you forward but stay awake! Always!
Don't commit yourself emotionally.
There is no guarantee that he will love you back.
This means that you stay open and flirt with other men.
You are still available!
You stay on a light flirting ground and you decide when you are
truly ready to commit yourself emotionally.
Staying open means staying free.
Use the energy of love rather than being dominated by it.
You decide when and how you truly want to commit.
Don't let the waves of temporary emotions take this decision for you.
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You decide when and how it happens.
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One way commitment
One way commitment is the greatest dating mistake you can make.
One way commitment happens in these key situations:
When you fall, for someone who is already with someone else.
When you focus only on one guy (online or offline).
When his ex is still very present in his life.
When his work is more important than anything.
When you say to a man "I love you. I want to be with you!"
and he does not answer back.
When you tell your friends you can't live without him.
When you are the one who always travels miles to get
When he prefers hanging out with his mates.
As you can see, there are dozens of situations which can generate a
one way commitment on your side.
The dynamics are always the same:
You love someone who does not love you back enough.
You give more than what you receive.
If you are in any of these situations you are guaranteed to become
emotionally dependent.
What you want now is a solid strategy to tackle this challenge.
The strategy is simple:
Keep your options open!
Go ahead and stay non- committed in the early stages.
This is your best strategy.
Don't let anyone limit your moves.
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Ready for the next step
The next step is to enjoy!
We discussed many strategies.
These strategies are a battle plan.
You want to stay in charge of your life.
This is your goal.
The reason you want strategies is because there is a battle for
power and energy going on.
The moment you establish clear boundaries and respect these few
guidelines, you are in for a very positive, freeing and exciting
This is your goal:
Be in love and feel great at the same time.
You want to stay master of your life and existence.
The moment you build up this extra power, you realize that you can
actually enjoy dating much more.
Why is that?
Because you know where the pitfalls are.
You know how to protect yourself and your emotional freedom.
This is very precious.
You want to win!
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How to be rejection proof
Rejection is the number one challenge in the dating scene. What
you need is a solid emotional strategy to handle it.
What is the force you need to be rejection proof?
Take this example: You are a woman. You like a guy. You ask him
out. He says "no, thank you". This single response impacts on your
life, self esteem and future behavior. Because of this one rejection,
you might never ask a guy out again! Can you see the dynamics?
It's crazy!
One guy! One rejection! You build a mind frame around it which can
create a prison of energies for the next 20 years of your life!
That's one situation where extra power and understanding would
definitely help:
Dating is a battle field!
Of course it is initiated by love but the context in which it happens
is highly competitive. In fact, it's more competitive than a martial
art's dojo. It is literally a psychic battle for power and love.
When a guy rejects you, here is what happens:
You say "Peace, love".
He answers back with an attack!
It is not conscious but this is what it is!!!!
His rejection is an attack on your conquering power, your desire,
your life, etc.
Sometimes he is well intended and does not mean it.
Sometimes though, he will do something consciously simply to
make you feel terrible.
If you go back home and say something like: "I'll never ask a guy
out again!" That's it! He wins! You loose! When you loose, it's your
whole destiny line which gets blocked.
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In fact you let this single emotional reaction from one person decide
the way you will feel about guys for the next 20 years!!! or even
Come on! His reaction has nothing to do with love.
It has to do with power.
His mind wins over yours. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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