Et unum hominem, et plures in infinitum, quod quis velit, heredes facere licet - wolno uczynić spadkobiercą i jednego człowieka, i wielu, bez ograniczeń, ilu kto chce.

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children which the ladies were bearing, they bayoneted
their bellies and they took out unborn children and hung
them up in the trees.
There was a special kind of torture they called West
Torture. They hung them (captured freedom fighters) to
two trees. They brought the trees down. They tied one
hand to one tree and the other hand to the other tree.
Then they left the trees back and they were torn apart.
In the countryside where the people are very devoted .
. . The Soviets forcefully asked them to join the
Communist party, to join them and to accept their alien
policy and system. They refused, they said, "No, let us
alone. We are Muslims and we are farmers. We are not
politicians. Leave us alone."
But the Soviets were not satisfied ... They went and
destroyed their villages when they saw the resistance of
the people. Some of the villages have been destroyed like
there was no sign of life at all. They have destroyed
almost 14,000 villages in Afghanistan. They have
bombed, they have rocketed, they have burned.
Besides this the Soviets have dropped tiny anti-
personnel bombs. These bombs were very sophisticated,
made especially for children. They were very attractive
to children. When a child picked these objects up it was
Babylon's War Against God
like tiny trucks, tiny cars, watches, pens, sometimes
chewing gum, when they touched them or got them in
their hands, their hands were blown off, their feet were
blown off, their faces were torn off.23
And what of the attitude of American leaders toward
Mikhail Gorbachev who was in power at the time
Afghan children were being blown up? As soon as he
was no longer the head of the Soviet Union he was
welcomed to the United states where he is now free to
travel, sell his books, and raise funds for his Moscow-
based Foundation for Social, Economic, and Political
Research. The U. S. Government even provides him with
office space at the former Presidio Army Base in San
Francisco. He is also aided in his fund-raising by a group
financed by the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Mellon, Ford and
other foundations. He was engaged by Senator Phil
Gramm's Republican Senatorial Committee to speak at
a Washington fund-raising event for which he was to
receive $70,000.
But that's not all of the tragic story. The Soviet tanks
that rolled into Kabul (the capital of Afghanistan) in
1979 were made in the Soviet Kama River Truck Plant.
This plant (the largest in the world) was built by
American businessmen and largely financed by American
banks. The design, engineering, and key equipment all
came from the United States. U. S. Government policy
that made possible the American building of the Kama
River plant involved CFR member Henry Kissinger, CFR
The Secret Side of History
member George Shultz, and CFR member Richard Nixon
who was president at the time.
Even the highway that enabled Soviet tanks to reach
Afghanistan was built by Soviet and U. S. engineers
working side by side with U. S. foreign aid money
footing part of the bill.
Although U. S. Government officials mouthed support
for the Afghan freedom fighters, the end result was a
sellout to a Soviet puppet government in Kabul.
The sellout in Afghanistan was not the end of war
against Islam. The war did not end, the banners only
changed from the Soviet flag to the United Nations flag.
With the UN in the act, the war became world wide. The
stage was set with the United States arming and
supporting Muslim terrorist groups in Iran, Iraq, Syria,
Libya, Algeria and a host of others. Although these
terrorists groups are a tiny minority of the 800 million
Muslims in the world, incidents created by them and
highly publicized by the media can be used as an excuse
to wage war against the innocent. The real criminals
usually go unharmed.
The Gulf War is an example, among many that could
be cited, of this kind of foul hypocrisy. This was the first
time America initiated an unprovoked attack on a foreign
power in another hemisphere. Prior to the war, the
United States had engaged in a decade long build up of
Saddam's war machine. In The New American magazine
(March 21, 1994) William Jasper reported that:
Babylon's War Against God
Investigations by the House Banking Committee and
journalists have carefully documented a sordid trail of
treachery and treasonous actions by George Bush and his
retinue before, during, and after the Persian Gulf War.
The U. S. provided or assisted Iraq in obtaining
cluster bombs, technology for nuclear enrichment, U. S.
designed munitions, missile technology, some $5 billion
in loan guarantees, and much more.24
As is now well known, the major part of destruction
during the Gulf War was upon civilian installations in
Iraq resulting in the death of over 100,000 people, many
of them innocent women and children. Saddam was
unharmed. This was repeated in Somalia where the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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