Et unum hominem, et plures in infinitum, quod quis velit, heredes facere licet - wolno uczynić spadkobiercą i jednego człowieka, i wielu, bez ograniczeń, ilu kto chce.

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beyond physical love. It is called the Pole-Star, because
Laylah is the one object of devotion to which the author
ever turns.
Note the introduction of the name of the Beloved in
acrostic in line 15.
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Kappa-Theta}
Love, I love you! Night, night, cover us! Thou art
night, O my love; and there are no stars but thine
Dark night, sweet night, so warm and yet so fresh,
so scented yet so holy, cover me, cover me!
Let me be no more! Let me be Thine; let me be
Thou; let me be neither Thou nor I; let there be
love in night and night in love.
N.O.X. the night of Pan; and Laylah, the night
before His threshold!
COMMENTARY ({Kappa-Theta})
Chapter 29 continues Chapter 28.
Note that the word Laylah is the Arabic for "Night".
The author begins to identify the Beloved with the
N.O.X. previously spoken of.
the chapter is called "The Southern Cross", because,
on the physical plane, Laylah is an Australian.
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Lambda}
Dreams are imperfections of sleep; even so is con-
sciousness the imperfection of waking.
Dreams are impurities in the circulation of the blood;
even so is consciousness a disorder of life.
Dreams are without proportion, without good
sense, without truth; so also is consciousness.
Awake from dream, the truth is known:(16) awake
from waking, the Truth is-The Unknown.
This chapter is to read in connection with Chapter 8,
and also with those previous chapters in which the
reason is attacked.
The allusion in the title is obvious.
This sum in proportion, dream: waking: : waking:
Samadhi is a favourite analogy with Frater P.,
who frequently employs it in his holy discourse.
(16) I.e. the truth that he hath slept.
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Lambda-Alpha}
IT moves from motion into rest, and rests from rest
into motion. These IT does alway, for time is not.
So that IT does neither of these things. IT does
THAT one thing which we must express by two
things neither of which possesses any rational
Yet ITS doing, which is no-doing, is simple and yet
complex, is neither free nor necessary.
For all these ideas express Relation; and IT, com-
prehending all Relation in ITS simplicity, is out of
all Relation even with ITSELF.
All this is true and false; and it is true and false to
say that it is true and false.
Strain forth thine Intelligence, O man, O worthy
one, O chosen of IT, to apprehend the discourse
of THE MASTER; for thus thy reason shall at
last break down, as the fetter is struck from a
slave's throat.
COMMENTARY ({Lambda-Alpha})
The number 31 refers to the Hebrew word LA, which
means "not".
A new character is now introduce under the title of
IT, I being the secret, and T being the manifested,
This is, however, only one aspect of IT, which may
perhaps be defined as the Ultimate Reality.
IT is apparently a more exalted thing than THAT.
This chapter should be compared with Chapter 11;
that method of destroying the reason by formulating
contradictions is definitely inculcated.
The reason is situated in Daath, which corresponds
the the throat in human anatomy. Hence the title of the
chapter, "The Garotte".
The idea is that, by forcing the mind to follow, and
as far as possible to realise, the language of Beyond
the Abyss, the student will succeed in bringing his
reason under control.
As soon as the reason is vanquished, the garotte is
removed; then the influence of the supernals (Kether,
Chokmah, Binah), no longer inhibited by Daath, can
descend upon Tiphareth, where the human will is
situated, and flood it with the ineffable light.
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Lambda-Beta}
Consciousness is a symptom of disease.
All that moves well moves without will.
All skillfulness, all strain, all intention is contrary to
Practise a thousand times, and it becomes difficult;
a thousand thousand, and it becomes easy; a
thousand thousand times a thousand thousand,
and it is no longer Thou that doeth it, but It that
doeth itself through thee. Not until then is that
which is done well done.
Thus spoke FRATER PERDURABO as he leapt
from rock to rock of the moraine without ever
casting his eyes upon the ground.
COMMENTARY ({Lambda-Beta}) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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