Et unum hominem, et plures in infinitum, quod quis velit, heredes facere licet - wolno uczynić spadkobiercą i jednego człowieka, i wielu, bez ograniczeń, ilu kto chce.

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before that tumbling vector began to succumb to the pull of gravity. By the
time the rounded rock struck the floor, nearly all of the Interloper had
passed into the alarmed archaeologist. The distraught young mother barely
glanced in the direction of the staggering professor. A stunned Cody now
understood the reason for her distress: She was not and probably had never
been infected-but her infant was.
Before he could react, something cold and hard smacked him in the mouth. Eyes
flicking downward, he saw
Oelefse straining to jab something into his face. He barely had time to
recognize it before an incredible pain shot through his entire system. It was
as if he'd suddenly bitten down on a live wire and could not open his jaws.
He nearly fainted from the pain. The older man was there to catch him as his
legs went numb. Once again he felt the surprising strength in that elderly
body. Then his own system responded, recovering from the initial shock, a
burst of adrenaline helping him to regain control of his legs. Trembling
slightly, he found himself leaning up against the wall. The far wall, away
from the hollow-eyed mother and her malevolently precocious, subtly
manipulated child. It glared at him out of beguiled baby eyes, unable to
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assault him further.
Looking down, Cody saw the river rock lying innocently on the floor. Bending,
the young mother picked it up and handed it back to her child. The infant took
the rock in its tiny hands, turning the cool smoothness over and over, cooing
and gurgling.
What, Cody wondered fearfully, of the Interloper that had sprung from the rock
into his neck at the instant of contact? Reaching up, he felt the skin there.
Naturally, there was no sign of entry, nor would he find one in a mirror. No
puncture mark, no miniscule wound, no millimeter-long telltale gash. Was he
contaminated? Was it even now sequestering itself deep within him, making
itself comfortable, adjusting to its new surroundings preparatory to taking
control of his thoughts and actions?
"You are clean." Gazing up at his young friend, Oelefse took a deep breath.
"Though it was a near thing."
Dwindling waves of pain dribbled from the archaeologist's lips like a rapidly
receding tide on a beach. His jaw
throbbed where the old man had struck him. "What did you do to me?"
"I had to strike before it could establish itself." Reach-ing into his pocket,
Oelefse removed a small, familiar ob-ject. "I barely had time enough to rap
this against the wall and smack you in the teeth with it. My apologies for
hurting you, but the only way to counter the influx of an Interloper is with a
greater shock to the system." Cody considered the small tuning fork and tried
to remember exactly how it had felt when the rapidly vibrating steel had made
contact with the nerves in his teeth. "Then it's dead? Just like the ones we
killed in Salzburg?" Oelefse nodded. "Christ, I thought my head was going to
come off!"
,,At least it is still your head." Turning, Oelefse headed for the last door
on the left-hand side of the corridor.
"Come. We have tea to brew:'
The last obstacle to his reunion removed, Cody hurried forward, passing
Oelefse and shoving the door to the room inward. Instantly, something large
and aggressive was in his face, shoving him backward and through the doorway.
you think you are" -
Who do you thingyou are ...sir? The man gripping the front of the
archaeologist's shirt was not particularly tall, but very wide.
"Take it easy!" Cody struggled to free himself. His adversary released him,
but continued to block the doorway with his bulk.
"No one gets in here who ain't first been cleared by my office." reGlad to
hear it." More relieved than ruffled'
Cody strained to see past the guard. "Call them, then. I'm Coschocton
Westcott, the husband of the woman your company was hired to keep watch over."
Less challengingly, he added, "She is still in this room, isn't she?"
The other man's expression remained guarded. "Yeah, she's here. Just stay
there a moment " pulling a cell phone from a pocket, he called in, making Cody
and 0elefse stand outside in the hall while he waited for a reply. Anguished
and apprehensive, the, archaeologist had no choice but to wait. There was
nothing to be gained by causing a scene that might bring security personnel
The guard looked up from the phone. "Let's see some
Fumbling for his wallet, Cody produced driver's license, university
identification, and credit cards. After a short exchange over the phone, the
guard finally stood aside.
"Sorry, Mr. Westcott. Just doing my job."
"Real well, too," Cody blurted as he pushed past him and into the room.
Following, 0elefse smiled sympathetically at the man.
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"Mr. Westcott thanks you for your professionalism on behalf of his wife. You
must be tired. While we are visiting, why not take a small break?" He checked
his watch. "If I am not mistaken, the hospital cafeteria should be serving
lunch now."
"I brought my lunch. We always bring our own. Something hot for a change would [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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